



导演:Jennifer Brea   上映:于2017 年 


地区:美国  语言:英语  



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简介:免费剧情片 起身 讲述,Title: Rising Above: A Journey of Resilience Director Jennifer Brea, an accomplished scholar with a Harvard PhD, takes us on a riveting cinematic experience in her thought-provoking film, Rising, released in 2017. Set against the backdrop of the United States, this powerful drama is presented in English, transcending linguistic barriers to convey its profound message. Rising stars an ensemble of talented yet anonymous actors, whose stories are brought to life through the director's own lens. The film begins when Jennifer, at a seemingly ordinary restaurant visit, discovers a startling truth - she can no longer sign her name. As the narrative unfolds, we find ourselves witnessing a gripping tale of a woman on the cusp of her wedding, grappling with a debilitating illness that defies conventional medicine.As her condition worsens, Jennifer's world shrinks, compelling her to question the diagnosis that labels her ailment as psychosomatic. Undeterred, she embarks on a compelling journey, transforming her camera into a tool for self-expression and a means to shed light on a lesser-known plight. Through her lens, we meet four other individuals, similarly affected by the world's most prevalent orphan disease, whose resilience and determination echo through the screen. Rising is not just a story about illness; it's a testament to the human spirit's indomitable force, as these individuals navigate the challenges of their medical condition while fighting for understanding and acceptance from society. The film invites viewers to reflect on the intersection of mind, body, and societal perceptions, while celebrating the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change.With its intimate portrayal and raw emotional depth, Rising is a compelling watch that transcends borders and genres. Jennifer Brea's masterful direction, combined with the honesty and vulnerability of the cast, makes for a compelling cinematic voyage that leaves a lasting impact on audiences. This film is a poignant reminder of the strength found in adversity and the importance of raising awareness around often overlooked health issues. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired by Rising – a journey that rises above the boundaries of illness and invites us all to see the unbreakable human spirit in action.

简介:Title: Rising Above: A Journey of Resilience Director Jennifer Brea, an accomplished scholar with a Harvard PhD, takes us on a riveting cinematic experience in her thought-provoking film, Rising, released in 2017. Set against the backdrop of the United States, this powerful drama is presented in English, transcending linguistic barriers to convey its profound message. Rising stars an ensemble of talented yet anonymous actors, whose stories are brought to life through the director's own lens. The film begins when Jennifer, at a seemingly ordinary restaurant visit, discovers a startling truth - she can no longer sign her name. As the narrative unfolds, we find ourselves witnessing a gripping tale of a woman on the cusp of her wedding, grappling with a debilitating illness that defies conventional medicine.As her condition worsens, Jennifer's world shrinks, compelling her to question the diagnosis that labels her ailment as psychosomatic. Undeterred, she embarks on a compelling journey, transforming her camera into a tool for self-expression and a means to shed light on a lesser-known plight. Through her lens, we meet four other individuals, similarly affected by the world's most prevalent orphan disease, whose resilience and determination echo through the screen. Rising is not just a story about illness; it's a testament to the human spirit's indomitable force, as these individuals navigate the challenges of their medical condition while fighting for understanding and acceptance from society. The film invites viewers to reflect on the intersection of mind, body, and societal perceptions, while celebrating the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change.With its intimate portrayal and raw emotional depth, Rising is a compelling watch that transcends borders and genres. Jennifer Brea's masterful direction, combined with the honesty and vulnerability of the cast, makes for a compelling cinematic voyage that leaves a lasting impact on audiences. This film is a poignant reminder of the strength found in adversity and the importance of raising awareness around often overlooked health issues. Don't miss the opportunity to be inspired by Rising – a journey that rises above the boundaries of illness and invites us all to see the unbreakable human spirit in action.



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  • 电影天堂网友:

    一开始看这个片子就是随便看看,就觉得设定比较新颖。本来以为这部 不会有太激烈的情绪,结果主演内详 演得很出彩,各种情绪和无助感体现很到位,让我很有共情,一气追完,还忍不住想为它写点东西。

  • 西瓜视频网友:

    酝酿了很久不知道该怎么写剧评,一直拖着拖到了现在。不过,千言万语到最后也只能说出两个字,那就是“谢谢”。 起身作为一部剧情片,整部影片叙事流畅,没有拖泥带水之感,镜头与镜头,场景与场景之间衔接的自然灵活,人物角色是那么丰满形象。

  • 新浪视频网友:

    快进走了一集,总体感觉还不错,布景不错,挺用心的,内详 的演技,依旧没什么问题,看接下来的走向吧! 咳咳,三星半左右吧,对于后面那部分真的是无!语!至!极!啊!

  • 搜狗视频网友:

    Hi,各位亲爱的观众朋友们,起身已经HD,我不知道大家有没有这种体会:整部 中规中矩。毕竟Jennifer Brea 导演的每部作品都能找到闪光点。这部剧的闪光点就是人物细节刻画还可以,剧情到现在还不算偏。

  • 土豆视频网友:

    起身真的在做良心剧。从官宣到现在一直很期待这部剧,2017 年终于开播了。圣诞节在电视前等着是对这部剧无限的尊重。确实没让我失望。剧从开头无论配色还是小地方都是良心剧作。看下去

  • 好看的电影网友:

    个人看剧还是很挑的,基本看一两集觉得演员剧本一般的都不会看下去。有的基本连看都不会看,毕竟脑残剧一大堆,一看名字,演员,题材,基本都知道是烂剧。(懂得都懂)咱看完起身,之后确实剧荒了。要是有啥推荐可以留言。 先说说这部剧起身吧。的确超出了我的预期,不论是从剧本,台词,演员的演技(部分女演员不算,太生硬,感情太过),毕竟女演员的通病,基本都会感情处理太用力,可以理解。不过瑕不掩瑜。每一集都跟看电影一般,画面着实喜欢。

  • 樱花动漫网友:

    对这次Jennifer Brea 导演的作品挺满意,结构更完整,而且首尾呼应,点题很好,真的很不错,演员也很讨喜。这评分真的有点低了,太多人为黑而黑,我觉得值7.0-7.2,所以我打5分来抵消一些恶意低分。

  • bilibili网友:

    起身这部 本来给两分,改成一分吧。这种剧评就是很主观,我写的是我的感受为啥都要强迫人给你们高分呢?不喜欢这个不行么? 一个明星,谁都不能保证每个剧都是5分,总会有好有差,这很正常,为啥不好的剧不能打低分?看出问题才能有进步,期待下一个剧会更好吧。